Our mysterious Sun: magnetic coupling between solar interior and atmosphere
September 25-29, 2017, Tbilisi, Georgia
Recent high resolution observations and numerical simulations clearly show that the solar interior and different layers of the atmosphere are interconnected via magnetic field, which leads to complex processes of energy transport and dissipation. The complete understanding of those processes needs to increase the observational and theoretical efforts to study the fundamental problems of magnetized plasmas. The conference – “Our mysterious Sun: magnetic coupling between solar interior and atmosphere” will be held in Tbilisi (Georgia) during September 25-29, 2017, which aims to discuss current achievements and future perspectives of magnetic connection between solar interior, photosphere, chromosphere, corona and solar wind. Latest developments in preparation of upcoming solar missions (solar probe, solar orbiter) and ground based telescopes (DKIST, EST) as well as in performance of numerical simulations will be also discussed. Theoreticians and observers, experienced and young scientists are encouraged to attend.
Roberto Bruno (INAF, Italy)
Mats Carlsson (University of Oslo, Norway)
Arnold Hanslmeier (University of Graz, Austria)
Laurent Gizon (MPI für Sonnensystemforschung, Germany)
Mihalis Mathioudakis (Queen’s University Belfast, UK)
Scott McIntosh (HAO, NCAR, USA)
Kris Murawski (UMCS, Poland)
Valery Nakariakov (University of Warwick, UK)
Leon Ofman (CUA and NASA GSFC, USA)
Ramón Oliver (University of Balearic Islands, Spain)
Stefaan Poedts (University of Leuven, Belgium)
Teimuraz Zaqarashvili (Ilia State University, Georgia, Chair)
Confirmed sessions:
Session I: Future space missions (Solar Orbiter, Solar probe) and ground-based telescopes (DKIST, EST)
Session II: Solar dynamo, activity variations and magnetic coupling of interior and atmosphere
Session III: Convection and helioseismology
Session IV: Photospheric magnetism
Session V: Chromospheric structure and dynamics
Session VI: Magnetic coupling in the solar atmosphere
Session VII: Solar corona
Session VIII: Solar wind
Session IX: Solar flares, CMEs and space weather
Confirmed invited reviewers
Manolo Collados (IAC, Spain)
Mausumi Dikpati (HAO, NCAR, USA)
Holly Gilbert (NASA GSFC, USA)
Mark Miesch (HAO, NCAR, USA)
Bart De Pontieu (LMSAL, USA)
Jaime de la Cruz Rodriguez (Stockholm University, Sweden)
Sami Solanki (MPS, Germany)
Francesca Zuccarello (University of Catania, Italy)
Terry Kucera (NASA GSFC, USA)
Javier Trujillo Bueno (IAC, Spain)
Rui Pinto (Université de Toulouse, France)